Title: “Joe’s Pizza Wynwood: A Tribute to Culinary Excellence”
Technique: Hand-painted mural on wood, 2m x 5m
Description: This stunning artwork serves as a homage to the legendary
New York-style pizza chain, Joe’s Pizza, a place where celebrities and
locals alike have savored their iconic slices. Nestled within the vibrant
Wynwood Arts District in Miami, this mural brings the essence of Joe’s
Pizza to life.
With meticulous attention to detail and a vibrant color palette, the mural
captures the energy and tradition that has made Joe’s Pizza a beloved
institution. The depiction of the bustling restaurant, filled with satisfied
patrons convey the lively atmosphere and the lasting impact of Joe’s
Pizza on the culinary scene.
Location: Joe’s Pizza, Wynwood Miami
Year: 2023 – present.